So her birthday party this year was held at Tautphaus park. They have an awesome all-access playground with a pavilion next to it, so we set up in the pavilion and had all her friends play on the playground. We had a pinata, cake and ice cream, and painted suncatchers. Oh, of course she opened presents, too. The theme of her party was Bella Sara, a trading card game that features fantasy horses. Her cake had a pegasus Bella Sara toy on it and I frosted a castle and clouds and stars around it. Her horse had a lavender mane so the plates, cups and tablecloths were lavender, too.

Here are some pictures:

The girls on the playground

Enjoying the cake and ice cream

We're so glad for good neighbors who came to the party! Especially Emily and the whole Dean family who moved just a week later.

Thank you Chad for helping with the pinata! And Jessica for providing Hailey's baby blanket for the blindfold... I don't know what I would have done without you there to help!
Later that evening we had our family party. She had her special request dinner, which was macaroni and cheese and fruit salad, and then we ate the rest of the cake and she opened presents from her family and grandmas. The highlight of the evening was her cowgirl outfit, complete with hat and six-shooter.

Grandma McCartney made several cute outfits.

She had waited since Christmas to get the matching robe to go with her footie pajamas...although now she's outgrown the pajamas and worn a hole in the toe from wearing them EVERY night!

It's Calamity Abby! yee haw! Grammy did a great job sewing this costume.

To complete her Bella Sara birthday we got her a Bella Sara DVD. She is wearing the new outfit that Grandma Johnson got her. Grandma Droegemueller gave her a Walmart gift card too.
Happy birthday sweetie! Hope you had a great, very special day!
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