Dessert time after a wonderful dinner

Our fabulous personal chef!
What a day to celebrate! This year both Father's Day and our 13th Anniversary fell on the same day, the 21st of June. Lucky for us, my mother-in-law Jane has moved to Idaho this year and she was willing to help the children put together a wonderful celebration (since it was a Sunday we didn't go out to dinner). Nothing could compare to the wonderful meal we were served, anyway.
It started with Grandma/Jane (who was known this day as Chef Janaay) making a beautiful place setting in our front room. We sat leisurely while she and the children cooked. She even made menus! There were several courses, including a beverage and a 13-fruit, watermelon-bowl salad. She cooked steaks on the grill and twice-baked potatoes and corn on the cob. Wow! So yummy! And we got to eat in relative peace, with candlelight and music and all the children in the other room!
For Father's Day James got a candy bar bouquet, with lots of chocolate goodies. It was a lot of fun for the children and I to put together the bouquet and think of cheesy sayings to go with the candy bar names (like "you MINT so much to us" and "you make us SNICKER"). He also received some huckleberry syrup. His favorite drink is a Pepsi or other fountain drink with the huckleberry flavor added, and his mom was able to find him two of his own flavor bottles so he can enjoy his custom-mixed soda pop at home.

For James, I spent the few days leading up to our anniversary by counting down the top 13 reasons why I love him. I would leave little 3x5 cards around with a description of what I love, like his smile, his service in the church, how we think alike, etc. I really do love him more after 13 years than I could have ever thought to love him in the beginning. He is a great, wonderful husband!

Us, the happy couple, after 13 years.
That looks so good and fun! I'm jealous you have your motherinlaw here. But I'm glad you do! Happy anniversary!!! You guys are great and we love you and your family!!