I really enjoyed taking the children down to Provo to see Valerie and Ammon graduate. You will see that the children did not quite enjoy all five hours of graduation ceremonies... but nevertheless they were pretty well behaved. I came away with a profound respect for a college education. All the sacrifice, dedication, learning and growth that comes through working toward a degree is wonderful! Of course it's just the first step to a fulfilling life, as Ammon and Valerie will probably agree. I never attended my own graduation ceremonies, because I finished in December and by April I was pregnant, and working in Idaho, but now I'm glad I did finish my degree and wished I could have enjoyed my own graduation activities. Still, I was very happy to be there with Valerie and Ammon.
On the way back to Idaho we stopped at Temple Square and took a little tour and took some pictures. I realized that my children had never been there. It was a little cold that afternoon so our tour was short, a little under an hour (and $5 to park near temple square!). Someday we'll go to conference and really feel the spirit of this wonderful place.

I also visited Marian and Vern and their beautiful new baby, Janessa. She is so cute! We love having more cousins in our family! We had a great dinner at Rachael and Clay's house, had some family pictures with all but our Wisconsin cousins, and as a real bonus got to take a baby rabbit home as a pet! Yay!